Return to our regular activities

Return to our regular activities Return to our regular activities

As of Monday, June 1, 2020, all optometry and eyewear activities will once again be permitted by the Ordre des optométristes du Québec. You will then be able to take advantage of the following services in all of our clinics:

● Eye exam including screening tests for eye diseases
● Purchase of prescription glasses, sunglasses and sports eyewear
● Trying and buying contact lenses
● Assessment and treatment of dry eye disease

In order to always offer you an kind and safe service, we have several measures that allow us to ensure your well-being as well as that of our teams.

All services will be available by appointment only in order to reduce the movement of people and to respect social distancing while allowing frequent disinfection of all points of contact. Our teams will try to minimize the impact on your experience in the clinic and in store. We are grateful for your understanding and collaboration and would like to thank you warmly for the support and trust you place in us.

Here are some of these measures:

Restriction of the number of customers allowed in each clinic based on floor area


For an eye exam or to purchase glasses, make an appointment so you don’t have to wait outside. A member of the team will call you to assess the need for an in-store visit and the type of service you require so that the right resources and time can be allocated to meet your needs.


Avoid coming to the clinic if you have no specific needs or visual problems.


make an appointment


Whenever possible, purchase your dry eye products and contact lenses online or by phone


The social distance of 2 metres when you move in the clinic or in waiting areas must be respected at all times.

-Avoid being accompanied to your appointment
unless it is absolutely necessary.

– Respect the instructions for moving around the
clinic and avoid walking around uninvited.


Health and safety measures

When you make your appointment and when you arrive at the clinic, you will be asked to answer a questionnaire that will be attached to your file confirming that you are not potentially a carrier of COVID-19.

Your temperature will also be measured with a non-contact infrared thermometer when you arrive.

If you are a potential carrier of COVID-19, you will be redirected to a safer method of service delivery.


Mandatory hand washing at the entrance of the store. Disinfecting stations are also installed at the main service points and at the cash desk.

Touch as few surfaces and objects as possible during your visit.


Wearing a mask will be required for both clinic staff and clients to minimize the chance of contamination.

For eyewear selection or situations where the patient/client’s mask is problematic, the patient/client may remove the mask. However, he/she should remain more than 2 meters of the staff member or the optician should wear a mask and a protective shield.


Transparent protective screens (Plexiglas) will be installed where a distance of 2 metres between staff and patients is impractical.


All chairs and surfaces touched by patients will be disinfected after use.

Fabric furniture and any superfluous objects will have been removed.

The space for each test (chair, table and device) as well as the ophthalmic instruments used will be disinfected between each patient.


The optometrist and his/her assistant will change gloves between patients when wearing gloves is required.


The optometrist will wear a medical coat to perform certain procedures.

Every frame touched or tried on by a customer will be disinfected before being put back on the shelves.


Payment and contactless delivery will be preferred.


About Eye Am Eye Care

Eye Am Eye Care is a Quebec company that offers complete eye care in its (4) clinics located in Montreal, Dorval, Quebec City and Boucherville. The company offers the most advanced solutions in Quebec to treat dry eyes and uses state-of-the-art equipment to make precise diagnoses and provide optimal visual comfort. In addition, 60% of the frames offered at Eye Am come from independent designers and workshops.




Our clinics Eye Am


100 Boulevard de Montarville
Boucherville (Québec) J4B 5M4


990 Chemin Herron, #200
Dorval (Québec) H9S 1B3


2600, Rue William-Tremblay, #110
Montréal (Québec) H1Y 3J2


1020, Rue Bouvier
Québec (Québec) G2K 0K9

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