Confidentiality and protection of personal information policy

Eye Am eye care Inc. wishes to provide its customers and users with services that comply with the law and are accessible in a secure manner, in particular with regard to respect for their privacy and the protection of their personal information. To this end, we have implemented within our company a confidentiality policy respecting the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector (hereinafter “the Policy”).

This policy aims to inform you about how Eye Am Eye Care Inc. collects, uses, transmits, stores, shares and protects your personal information when you use its web services.

In order to provide personalized service, our company may have access to some of your personal information. We ensure that each of our employees treats your information rigorously in compliance with the law and regulations in force in Quebec.

1. Definition of personal information:
Personal information is any information relating to a natural person, which, taken together or separately, allows them to be identified.

2. Types of information collected
In order to optimize the services offered to its customers on the web, our company may collect certain personal information via this website, in particular:

  • First and last name ;
  • Address;
  • Email address ;
  • Telephone number;
  • Date of birth;
  • Information recorded on a valid identity document;
  • Payment information (credit card number, expiration date, cardholder information, CVV or CVC);
  • Subject of correspondence;

In addition to the above, the user who wishes to create an online account will provide an identifier of their choice as well as a connection password which will be known and retained by Eye Am eye care Inc. for the purposes of administration of the web platform.

The user who wishes to apply online via the “Careers” tab of our website must provide, in addition to the information previously listed, a curriculum vitae and a motivation statement which may contain additional personal information.

Eye Am Eye Care Inc. collects on the web only the personal information necessary in the performance of services to customers and strictly to accomplish the purposes for which it is collected. No other use of the information is permitted by the company, unless you consent or it is required by law. Where applicable, the information is used by Eye Am Eye Care Inc. for employment purposes, to process applications received online.
The personal information listed above is transmitted voluntarily by the user. As will be more fully described, certain other information is collected automatically on our website. We refer you to section 10 of this policy for further information on this subject.
During an appointment at Eye Am Eye Care Inc., additional personal information may be requested, such as health insurance number.

Minors should not submit their information online. As a user, you must only transmit personal information that concerns you. If you are acting for a third party, you must ensure that you have the required authorizations before transmitting their personal information online.

3. Use and disclosure of personal information
The personal information that you transmit on our site will be accessible to employees of Eye Am Eye Care Inc. The use of the personal information transmitted is, however, restricted to the purposes provided for in this policy.

Personal information transmitted voluntarily is kept throughout the business relationship with the client or for the duration of the services to be provided. When files are archived, access to digital or paper files that may contain personal information remains limited.

Data transmitted over the web will be retained for internal use, but will be destroyed on the web within a reasonable time to ensure the privacy of our website users.

4. Reasons for which personal information is collected
Eye Am eye care Inc. uses personal information according to what is agreed at the time of collection or according to the scales established by law and regulations. Personal information collected on our website is used for the following purposes:

  • Creation and updating of a customer file;
  • Creation of an online customer account;
  • Make appointments with professionals at our various service points;
  • Receive and process online orders;
  • Receive and analyze applications submitted online;
  • Ensure administrative follow-ups;
  • Allow the optimization of our services by notifying users of new products and services that may be offered, including the transmission of newsletters;
  • Any other use for which you have consented;

5. Communication of personal information.
Eye Am eye care Inc. will not transmit to any third party the information voluntarily transmitted or collected automatically via this website except in relation to
concerns purchases made via our online store. Personal information such as name, address, email and telephone number will be transmitted to the carrier responsible for delivering products purchased online.

As provided by law, our company may be required to disclose personal information following an order from a court of common law or administrative law, a body duly authorized by law or in the cases provided for by law and regulations in force. force.

6. Your consent
At any time, when collecting personal information, you have the right to refuse to communicate personal information to us, subject to the exceptions provided for by law. In addition, at any time and following reasonable notice, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection, disclosure and transmission of personal information. However, such a situation could prevent Eye Am Eye Care Inc. from offering you certain services or could limit their scope.

Eye Am eye care Inc. may send its users newsletters related to the company’s new products, promotions and services. At any time, you can withdraw your consent without affecting the services provided by our company.

7. Security measures put in place for the retention of information:
Eye Am Eye Care Inc. retains personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this policy. The nature of the service is taken into account in the retention period of the information.

Our company ensures that it complies with legal standards for the protection of personal information, whether during the collection of information or its transmission to a third party for the execution of the mandate. Data transmitted by users will be destroyed on the web at reasonable intervals in order to preserve the confidential nature of the data transmitted.

Eye Am eye care Inc. maintains a service for the prevention of incidents related to respect for confidentiality.

8. Department responsible for the protection of personal information
To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information, our company has a personal information protection officer. Its role is to monitor and supervise the management of personal information, to implement and maintain internal policies and applicable procedures, in addition to taking care of the management of any potential incident related to personal information. The contact details for contacting the manager are as follows:

Name: Nathalie Lemay
Telephone number: 418-380-2734
Email address: [email protected]

9. Rights of the data subject
At any time, you can request access to your personal information. You can request their modification or deletion. You have the right to withdraw or confirm your consent, to restrict the use of information about you or to obtain a copy. You may exercise any right provided by law.

To exercise your rights, we invite you to make a written request to the person responsible for the protection of personal information at the contact details indicated in paragraph 8 of this policy.

10. Management of connection cookies (Cookies)
Eye Am Eye Care Inc. may use cookies. Cookies or more commonly called “cookies” are tools for improving performance and analyzing user interactions on a website. Cookies perform automatic data collection on our website. The elements collected in the manner described below cannot allow precise identification of the user.

Cookie files are used for analytical purposes to determine your preferences on how you browse our website (e.g. language, province, country), to compile data on the number of users who visit our website, to improve the quality of our services, to facilitate access and navigation on our website and to analyze our performance.

The information collected may include, among other things, IP address, identification of electronic devices used to access the website, your operating systems, data on the pages viewed, times and dates of views, pages viewed previously, the interests and behavior of the user on the web page.

When you enter our website, you are informed that we use cookies. You can accept them or disable non-essential cookies. However, this option could reduce the quality of your experience on our website.

Eye Am eye care Inc. may resort to the use of “CAPTCHA” tests using means of authentication by questions and answers in order to restrict access to certain web pages, sections of the website and control access. Analytics services (e.g. Google Analytics) may be used to increase the performance of our website and collect information as soon as a user accesses or navigates our web page.

11. Use of various platforms
In order to optimize our company’s services on the web, we use various platforms. It is therefore possible that planning and holding online meetings, making appointments and carrying out various customer surveys can be carried out using the following platforms:

  • Eventbrite;
  • Zoom Webinar;
  • Microsoft Teams;
  • Survey Monkey;

This list is provided as an example, Eye Am Soins oculars Inc. may resort to the use of other platforms offering similar services.

The information transmitted to these platforms is voluntary and limited (last name, first name, email address). You are not required to use these platforms. This choice could, however, affect the availability of certain services. Regarding making an appointment, if you wish to limit the transmission of personal information online, we invite you to contact the branch of your choice by telephone to make an appointment.

All payments from our online store are administered by the Stripes platform, banking data is therefore not brought to the attention of our company and is not retained.

12. Rewards Program
Eye Am Eye Care Inc. may also use and maintain a rewards program for its customers.

Under the Optop program currently in effect, you can voluntarily register and contribute to the success of our business by referring Eye Am Eye Care Inc to your contact network. You and your referred contacts will be able to benefit from certain advantages or discounts.

Registration for this application requires the voluntary transmission of certain personal information. The decision to join Optop or not will not affect the quality of the services provided. Optop is not a company related to Eye Am Eye Care Inc.. We therefore invite you to consult their own privacy policy available via the following link:

13. Redirection to other sites
Eye Am Eye Care Inc. informs you that this policy only applies when using its website. This policy does not apply to other websites that may be available through our website. Eye Am eye care Inc. is not responsible for these sites and cannot protect their content, their access or the protection associated with the information that you may transmit to them. Any personal information transmitted to other websites is subject to their policies.

We therefore invite you to read their policy before transmitting information.

14. Updating this policy
In order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, Eye Am Eye Care Inc. may update this policy. Please note that a notice may be sent to you to inform you of the modifications made to this document. This policy is available on our website at all times and we invite you to consult it regularly.

15. Conditions of use

a. Commitment policy regarding my file

By creating an account in the “login” section, you agree that Eye Am Eye Care Inc. collects and saves the data provided. Said data may be used to update your optometric file in store or to personalize your online purchases at or in one of our Eye Am eye care stores. By using our site, you agree to provide true, up-to-date and complete personal data. Otherwise, we may suspend or close your account.

b. Online purchasing policy

Terms and conditions

Enjoy all the freedom of the web and all the attention of a true professional. As eye health is a priority, our online purchasing policies respect regulatory requirements to offer you products in complete compliance. By purchasing from, you can be sure that all our products are authentic and sold by professional opticians and optometrists. Our web customers benefit from the same privileges as those who visit the store. Moreover, she can come to the store to have products purchased online adjusted or repaired.

This site is administered by Eye Am Eye Care Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the province of Quebec, and aims to offer an online shopping experience and after-sales service 24 hours a day, 7 days per week wherever you are. These general conditions are applicable to all transactions between you and Eye Am eye care Inc. If you refuse these general conditions, Eye Am eye care Inc. will not be able, under any circumstances, to complete your request. Terms and conditions may change without notice. We invite you to consult this page regularly. vs. Conditions for the sale of prescription products Frames, sunglasses, sports glasses and dry eye products The online sale of frames, sunglasses, sports glasses and products to treat the symptoms of dry eye does not requires no approval from one of our professionals. Contact lenses Depending on the various laws in force in the province or country where the order comes from, the following conditions may apply:

  • Only customers with a valid file with Eye Am Eye Care Inc. will be able to restock their contact lenses at
  • Only customers with a valid patient file with Eye Am Eye Care Inc. will be able to order their contact lenses at
  • If the last eye exam or eye health follow-up has expired, the client will be informed and asked to update their file by visiting an eye care professional.
  • By completing the order form, the customer accepts the shipping conditions of the selected product and agrees to pay the costs, according to the method indicated on the order form.
  • By completing the online order form, the customer accepts responsibility for the order and all charges relating to online transactions.
  • Eye Am Eye Care Inc. reserves the right to cancel any order for business reasons.
  • Eye Am Eye Care Inc. reserves the right to refuse to sell any product.

16. Communication
For any questions relating to this policy or its conditions of use, we invite you to contact the person responsible for the protection of personal information whose contact details are described in paragraph 8.

Last updated: March 24, 2024