LLLT (low-level laser therapy)

Treatment for dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction

What is the LLLT treatment ?

What is the LLLT treatment ?

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive and painless technique for the treatment of dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction. This technology can also be used to treat styes, chalazia, and blepharitis.

LLLT applies different light wavelengths through a mask. Red light stimulates the production of ATP (cellular energy), elastin, and collagen, while blue light has a bactericidal effect.

What are the benefits of LLLT ?

This treatment can remove newly-formed styes and chalazia. It also prevents the appearance of new styes or chalazia. It treats blepharitis and is particularly effective if preceded by Blephex. The heat liquifies the oil contained in the meibomian glands. Manual gland expression is performed following red light exposure.

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This is for me if :

This is for me if :

I have one or more styes or chalazia, especially if associated with blepharitis or meibomian dysfunction.

Contraindications :

Contraindications :

Photosensitizing medication.

Duration of treatment :

Duration of treatment :

Two to four 15 to 30-minute sessions depending on the severity of the condition.