More than 30% of the population unknowingly suffers from dry eye

Make an appointment for a dry eye assessment

Dry Eye Compromises Your Quality of Life

Do you have dry or runny eyes? If you are among the 30% of the population who suffer from it, you know the pain and discomfort associated with this medical condition. Many describe it as a feeling of having a grain of sand in the eye or a strong need to constantly keep their eyes shut.

Dry eye is quickly becoming a scourge for adults, partly due to the overuse of screens. It is a problem caused by a malfunction of the Meibomian glands which secrete the oil layer necessary to maintain the water layer on the surface of the eyes.

Common symptoms of dry eye

  • I have dry, itchy and runny eyes 
  • I have redness, discomfort, and constant burning and itching
  • I am sensitive to light, I have  blurry and fluctuating vision
  • I am intolerant to contact lenses

A Chronic Progressive Disease Requiring Clinical Efforts

Dry eye is not a trivial condition and requires clinical treatments in 85% of patients. Often neglected by certain institutions, it slips under the radar for most of the patients who come to us.

Dry eye is nonetheless a serious problem likely to get worse with time, resulting in further complications and increased difficulty in relieving and/or healing it. 

Patients who have not, through no fault of their own, received a diagnosis and who, consequently, neglect their condition, will suffer from gradual atrophy of their glands until they eventually disappear. That is when the condition becomes permanent.

Fortunately, we have put in place an early detection screening program and we are thus tackling the problem at its roots.

The Leader in Dry Eye Management in the Province of Quebec

Thirty years ago, only 5% of the population suffered from dry eye. Today, one out of three people is affected, but the great majority are not even aware of it.

Thanks to team members each strong of 30 years of experience in the field and sharing an ambition to make a difference, Eye Am decided to innovate and to launch, a few years ago, the only Quebec-based banner specializing in dry eye in the province of Quebec.

Because we share your belief that eye health is what matters above all, we offer our dry eye comprehensive care package throughout the province of Quebec.

Make an appointment

How do dry eye assessments work?

Early detection assessments and comprehensive care help prevent the situation from deteriorating. The first step is an evaluation at one of our four locations in the province of Quebec. 

During your visit (less than an hour): 

  1. Your optometrist will carry out a complete assessment as well as a full evaluation of your vision in order to determine your condition. Your professional will then be able to guide you towards different tests and examinations to discover the origin and severity of the condition.
  2. With the help of the Lipiview or Lipiscan technology, the optometrist will be able to get an image of the Meibomian glands and verify the obstruction and atrophy some of them may present. He will also be able to evaluate the quantity and quality of your tears. Your optometrist will also verify your ocular surface integrity and check for inflammatory markers.
  3. This will enable him to find the cause of dry eye, whether it stems from aqueous deficiency, lipid deficiency, or both. 

Following this evaluation: The optometrist will be able to offer you a suitable treatment plan as well as comprehensive care in order to resolve the problem in the short, medium and long term. 

  • Frequency:
    Only once 
  • Why?
    In order to pinpoint a precise diagnosis and plan comprehensive care to manage the problem.
  • When?
    At your convenience, make your appointment directly online with the schedule of the professional of your choice.

Do not wait until your eyes suffer.

Meet with an professional now.

Make Your Appointment Online

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100 Boulevard de Montarville
Boucherville (Québec), J4B 5M4


990 Chemin Herron, #200
Dorval (Québec), H9S 1B3


2600, Rue William-Tremblay, #110
Montréal (Québec), H1Y 3J2


1020, Rue Bouvier
#110 (beauty care)
#130 (ocular healthcare)
Québec (Québec), G2K 0K9